Coventry Chairs from Tower of London
When working on a renovation project and installing bespoke furniture for the historic Chapel of St. John in the Tower of London Luke Hughes’ company refurbished the Coventry Chairs which had previously occupied this space and these now sit in the public exhibition spaces of the Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof Foundation in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Dick Russell, brother of Sir Gordon Russell, had been commissioned in 1962 by Sir Basil Spence to produce a suitable design for use in Coventry Cathedral. Russell’s design was considered a great accomplishment and thousands were made by the Gordon Russell company for churches the world over. Practical and hardwearing while minimising visual impact on beautiful church interiors the Coventry Chair is still in demand today, particularly in the United States. Luke Hughes holds the licensing agreement to continue production of this iconic design, which he has strengthened as people have got heavier but otherwise has stayed true to Dick Russell’s original design.