The evening of Friday 7th April saw the successful launch of the Friends of the Gordon Russell Design Museum. Over a glass of wine (kindly supplied by Guy Warner of Budgens) the guests heard about Gordon Russell’s connection with the Lygon Arms (who had kindly provided the Torrington Room for this event). Ray Leigh, former Design Director, Managing Director and Chairman of Gordon Russell Ltd, and founder Trustee of the Gordon Russell Design Museum told the story of Gordon’s arrival in Broadway, and his continuing association with the village. Christopher Hotten, Friends Organiser, explained that the Friends had been set up to help support the museum. Everyone who signed got a welcome pack, comprising a membership card, newsletter and a copy of Gordon Russell: Designer of Furniture 1892-1992 by Jeremy Myerson. Three visits had already been arranged for the Friends, and he could confirm that there would be a free talk in October on the Arts & Crafts designer, Lewis Foreman Day by Helen Larner. The fee was £25 for two people, or £12.50 for individual membership, and many of the guests signed up during the course of the evening, and took application forms to encourage others to join.
The new museum website – also launched on 7th April – has a Friends section where additional information and booking forms can be found for https://gordonrusselldesignmuseum.org/visits-for-2017/ and membership forms are also available to download, or applications can be made online via a PayPal https://gordonrusselldesignmuseum.org/become-a-friend/